EP108 - Transient corneal edema secondary to Behcet disease


MEFTEH Mossaab

NABI Wijden





To report an unusual presentation of Behçet disease


A single case report


A 28-year-old male with a past medical history of peripheral recurrent deep vein thrombosis associated to bilateral recurrent anterior non granulomatous uveitis, presented with painful blurred vision of the left eye. Ocular examination found the presence of localized corneal edema with stromal opacities. A workup was requested but not done by the patient, he was lost-to follow-up. Two years later, he presented to our department with a painful redness and blurred vision of the right eye (OD). Anterior segment examination showed diffuse scleritis with corneal edema, stromal opacities in OD and bilateral non-granulomatous anterior uveitis in both eyes. Fundus examination in OD revealed a localized inflammatory vitreous exudate overlying the optic disc. He was first treated with corticosteroids eyedrops with complete disappearance of the corneal edema two days later. The diagnosis of Behcet disease was made and the patient was treated with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy with complete recovery


Various pathognomonic signs of Behcet uveitis are likely to be transient, as well as retinitis and vitreous or peripapillary exudates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reporting transient sequential bilateral corneal edema in a patient with Behcet disease.

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